“Take the Front Seat” is a captivating fiction novel that intricately weaves the lives of Boris Bonch, a Russian emigrant welder, and Did Spencer, a university student with narcolepsy and a unique stutter, through the lens of an inter-city rideshare program in Canada. Set in the mid-90s, Boris, struggling with work in Toronto, finds himself driving strangers between Ottawa and Toronto, where he forms an unlikely friendship with Did, a candid young man whose openness and challenges with speech and sleep intrigue and challenge Boris.
As they navigate the highways, they encounter a cast of characters that deeply impact their journey, including Greta Visser, a Dutch descendant with whom Did starts a complicated relationship, and Eli Bobov, a young man escaping his Hasidic roots in search of a new identity. These interactions are set against the backdrop of Boris’s personal quest for happiness and belonging in his new country, highlighted by his visits to a favorite café and the burgeoning relationship with Anastazja, the Polish waitress.
The novel explores themes of identity, belonging, and the power of human connection in the face of life’s unpredictabilities. Through the dynamics within the rideshare car, the story delves into the complexities of each character’s life, their struggles, and their triumphs, ultimately showcasing the courage it takes to confront one’s past and embrace the future. “Take the Front Seat” is a testament to the unexpected paths on which life takes us and the transformative power of friendship and understanding amidst the journey.
Lisa R –
John De Lorenzi’s storytelling is a breath of fresh air! ‘Take the Front Seat’ is an intriguing look at the lives of diverse characters sharing a ride—and their stories. It’s engaging from start to finish.
Maria J –
A heartwarming journey through the eyes of relatable characters. Each chapter brought new insights and emotions. This book is a perfect blend of drama and real-life challenges. Couldn’t put it down!
Carlo S –
This book was a journey in itself! Loved how the characters developed through their travels. The interplay between Boris and Did had me hooked. Great read for anyone who enjoys character-driven narratives.
Sam P –
Absolutely loved ‘Take the Front Seat’! John De Lorenzi captures the essence of human connections in such a unique setting. It’s a road trip that explores much more than just physical distances. A must-read!