Discover Your Perfect Traditional Publishing Plan with Tagona Press

Bring Your Book to Life, from Manuscript to Market


Unlock the Full Potential of Your Work

At Tagona Press, we believe in the power of stories to inspire, educate, and entertain. Our traditional publishing contract offers authors the opportunity to bring their work to life with the full support of our experienced team.

Why Choose a Traditional Publishing Contract?

  • No Upfront Costs: We cover all expenses related to editing, design, printing, and distribution, allowing you to focus solely on your writing.
  • Professional Editing and Design: Benefit from our team of professional editors and designers who will ensure your book meets the highest standards of quality.
  • Comprehensive Marketing and Distribution: Our marketing team will create a tailored strategy to promote your book across various platforms, and we’ll ensure it reaches bookstores and online retailers worldwide.
  • Author Royalties: Earn royalties on every sale without the burden of initial costs, allowing you to profit from your hard work and creativity.

How It Works

  1. Submission and Review: Submit your manuscript for review. If our editorial team believes your work is a good fit, we’ll move forward with an offer.
  2. Contract Offer: Receive a traditional publishing contract outlining the terms and conditions, including royalty rates and distribution plans.
  3. Editing and Design: Work closely with our editorial and design teams to refine and polish your manuscript and cover design.
  4. Marketing and Launch: Our marketing team will develop a comprehensive plan to promote your book and organize a successful launch.
  5. Distribution and Sales: Your book will be distributed to bookstores, libraries, and online retailers, ensuring maximum reach and visibility.


Ready to Get Started?

Submit your manuscript today and take the first step towards becoming a published author with Tagona Press. Let us handle the details while you focus on what you do best – writing.

Contact Us

For more information about our traditional publishing contract and submission guidelines, please contact us. We look forward to working with you and bringing your literary vision to life.

We Get You Published on All Platforms


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