This post follows on the first Algoma Writers’ Collective and ‘Fresh Eyes’ items that were circulated last week. There is some preliminary organizational overlapping between the two initiatives (and we shall shortly have dedicated webpages for each) – but given the (gratifying) Sault / regional literary, visual arts, and broader creative community responses to the circulated emails? Lots of impetus to push ahead.

Over the next few days, I shall assemble a preliminary list of everyone who has expressed their interest in being part of ‘Fresh Eyes’ – and please feel free to circulate the earlier emails or any links here to anyone you believe might be suited for either or both initiatives. I shall divide this list into two categories for our initial planning purposes, namely (1) photographers, (2) writers (broadly cast as authors, poets, journalists, and any other storytellers), and (3) our Arts & Culture institutions that can have a stake in this project (City agencies, galleries, museums, libraries, etc.).

Much more to follow – and best to all for the New Year and beyond. Bryan