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More praise for ‘Duke’ and author Tom Douglas

It is nice to see the many positive reviews that our readers have posted on our Tagona site regarding Tom Douglas’s fine ‘Whispering Duke Schiller’ biography. Tom’s work speaks for itself – and I am certain that Schiller’s legacy is now secure. It is equally gratifying to read confirmation that the Duke’s story has traction far beyond Sault Ste Marie. An example is this recent article posted in the well-respected and widely read (300,000 monthly) General Aviation News, published in Lakewood, Washington.

The News staff note that Tom has captured Schiller’s story as an “adventure-filled life and heroic death of an almost-forgotten aviation pioneer”. The full News link is here – Tom’s determination to bring this hero back from virtual anonymity is being rewarded.

One thought on “More praise for ‘Duke’ and author Tom Douglas

  1. Tom Douglas says:


    Art Osborne
    I am taking my time to savour the details of “Whispering” Duke. Just when I think he’s managed to get himself out of trouble, he jumps back in the frying pan!
    The background you provide and detail of events given has me right beside Duke as I read. You give him back his wings!
    Ken Ross
    When I was reading the Duke, I thought the research must have taken you almost forever to pull everything together – even though you mention in the book that many of the items came from his logbooks, photo albums, scrapbooks and other material his granddaughter provided to you.
    Duke had a wild life – lots of successes mixed with lots of failures. Lots of challenges, lots of down time – and yet he still found time to find love with your great-aunt.
    I knew it had to come to an end – he couldn’t live on the edge forever – but how sad and disappointing that his life was taken from him so early due to someone else’s mistake.
    Thanks for writing this book. I hope we can look forward to another excellent book in 2025.
    Ron Berdusco
    I read your latest book and I want to congratulate you for a super read.
    Not only did I enjoy the life of Duke Schiller, but all the ancillary events that were occurring around his time.
    Goodness, he even flew on to Wawa Lake…across the street from my home.
    I recall a flight I took to the Soo from Wawa on the passenger service piloted by Keith Messenger back in the early 1960s.
    And, for around thirty consecutive years, a bunch of us fishermen flew Otters and Beavers out and back to remote lakes north-east of Wawa.
    Thanks again for a job well done, my friend!!
    I gave the book to my sister to read since she requested to be informed and entertained as well.

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