Spring Update

I am very pleased to confirm some nice Spring news after a long, snowy Lake Superior region winter – Tagona Press, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario has now entered into a comprehensive marketing / promotion / distribution agreement with Dundurn Press (Toronto), the longtime (iconic!) independent Canadian publishing leader. I am so pleased that our Tagona authors, photographers, and other creative wizards will have a chance to showcase their talents on a national stage.
Our North American award-winning work, ‘Prince Edward: A Four Season County’ will soon be joined by Hastings County, Durham Region, and Algoma District offerings that match it page for page, gorgeous landscape image for image. Working with the Sault’s own legendary conservationists, photographers, and storytellers Gary & Joanie McGuffin, and our terrific Tagona team, we have books spanning military history biography, mystery / suspense fiction, more stunning Superior North Shore country told through Indigenous peoples’ eyes, hearts and wisdom … and a beautiful poetry book!
It’s finally Spring! … and wonderful to roll forward together with Dundurn Press.